
The history of the great feud in the Holy Land, an Albanian who tried to stop the Rothschilds and the Sultan that allowed the creation of Israel

The formation of the Zionist movement in the late nineteenth century was the result of nationalistic winds began gusting across Europe. The movement demanded a homeland for the Jewish population scattered, exiled from Palestine in the year 70 BC as a result of Roman persecution.

The movement associated with the name of Theodor Herzl, a Viennese journalist, who in 1896 wrote his book "The Jewish State", calling for the creation of a Jewish national state as the solution to the Diaspora and antisemitism. A year later they gathered at Basel World Zionist Congress that gathered in a single motion groups. In 1903, Congress proclaimed the first rift between Zionists after the debate if the Jewish homeland should be Palestine or Uganda in Africa (a British proposal that it was supported only by a minority of delegates).

The Zionist movement began among the Arab reaction to the movement that saw their risk of Palestine. British Arab pressures caused require restricting Jewish immigration, but settlers continued to arrive in Palestine, seeing their goal of a state was very close, as well shy of the Nazi threat. While Arabs and hardened their reactions between the two groups began armed clashes continued throughout the Second World War, reports Telegraph.

After many attempts to reach a settlement, Britain, disappointed, decided to give up the management of the area and handed over its mandate UN that once created. Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1947, while Jews and Arabs were prepared to fight among themselves.

UN proposed a partition of Palestine into two independent states, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, while Jerusalem would be under international administration. Limits were placed on purely demographic basis, without considering the criteria for protection of borders, the shape of the two countries seems quite strange on the map. Arabs reject the UN plan, while Jews immediately announce the creation of their state, called Israel, on May 14, 1948 in Tel-Aviv. The war began immediately, five Arab countries (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq) attacked Israel, while half of the Palestinian Arab population was forced to move from fighting.During the war Israel occupied 77 percent of the territory of Palestine, and most of Jerusalem, passing the limits set by the UN, while Egypt and Jordan occupied the rest of the country (ie the Gaza Strip and West Bank).War of 1948 marked only the beginning of a long series of bloody wars between Israel and Arab states.

In 1949 Israel allowed the return of 150 thousand Arabs fled, mostly to family reunification, after international pressure. Meanwhile, in 1950, returns to promulgate give automatic citizenship to Jewish immigrants settling in Israel from all over the world.

Meanwhile, frustration remains high, especially in the Gaza Strip. In the mid 50s of last century, President Nasser of Egypt decided to nationalize the Suez Canal, causing fury of Britain and France, holding historic Canal.In 1956 Israel attacked Egypt and invades the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, while France and Britain occupy the Suez Canal. Threats of fierce Soviet Union (which meanwhile was suppressing the revolt of Hungary) and the fear of the US to open a conflict extended at the height of the Cold War, make war be stopped and the bodies of three powers occupying withdrawn leaving occupied territories under control of the UN.

Only 10 years later, in 1967, war again switches. Egypt mobilizes forces in Sinai and UN troops leave the peninsula, while Israel blocked the exit to the Red Sea. Egypt and Syria attacked Israel (the latter because of its territory in the Golan Heights continuously carried out attacks against Jewish settlements). Jordan attacked Israel immediately. The fight went down in history as the "war of six days", within this short time Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula (held by Egypt), height Syrian Golan and the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan. Six days war deeply shook the Arab world and marked the first major exacerbating its West that supported Israel. During this short war, but more severe, it occurred the second major exodus of Palestinians, around half a million people were forced to leave the country.

Israel, the state of which the world has turned the eyes, has a history which, in its origins linked to Albania, an Albanian who wanted to stop the formation of this state.

In the early twentieth century or in 1900, Albanians had occupied important places everywhere in political life and the Ottoman administration. Book of memories Eqrem do Vlora, provides an overview of the detailed Albanian life during 1885-1912. This first book is published by the Institute of Research for Eastern Europe in Munich, Germany, in 1973. Telegraph brings you below some of its parts, with respect to the beginnings of Israel today.

In the fall of 1904, Eqrem do Vlora - who at that time lived in Turkey together with a government commission - went to the Hejaz railway inaugurated. A journey full of surprises for the Albanian, who followed the law, but also worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.

During the trip, Vlora Bay Eqrem made great impression disposition of Albanians in key positions.

"In Rhodes, paid us a visit Governor General of the Aegean islands, valiu saw Abedin Dino, a Cham Albanian. It was just shocked, "she recalls Eqrem do Vlora, while traveling to Rhodes to Beirut, where it was impressed steering Albanians.

After the inauguration of the Hejaz railway, which ferries traveling Eqrem make traveling towards Jafës Vlora, but, as the witness recalled, their boat had a mission to perform, even secret mission. According Eqremit, his boss had given orders to gather information about "Jewish Research Mission" newly established in Tel-Aviv - an issue of interest to many Turkish authorities.

"I remember well how, in December 1903, I happened by chance to the palace of the Grand Vizier then, Ferit saw Vlora. He told us to wait Baron afternoon Rotçildin (Rothschild) from Paris. Later we learned that he was requesting the concession for 99 years, to 20,000 hectares of land (sand dunes) in Tel-Aviv, for which he was ready to pay the Government a lease quite high ", he recalls in his book Eqrem Bey Vlora, adding that the grand Vizier refused to help in any way to this agreement.

Despite the efforts of Vizier Albanian Rotçildi managed to get directly from the Sultan (Abdul Hamid II) permission to create in Tel-Aviv a "Commission study" and was this committee, to which the ship on which traveling Eqrem do Vlora, stopped to get information.

"On the beach of Tel Aviv was built two small, simple fare with five agents working - World Jewish Congress officials, and collect data on the economic conditions of the Arabs in Palestine," he writes Eqrem do Vlora.

Eqremi notes that this commission has worked well. It seemed the taste and the versatile ways and clever with which the appropriate moment he took ownership Arabs Jews ignorant and helpless.

In additions that make Eqrem Vlora makes this problem, he sees the situation created as very favorable for the emergence of conflicts and acts of violence. He does not blame the Jews for this, but told them that way, and he smoothed the way for the Zionists in Palestine, namely English.

By Bey Vlora, when the mission began to exceed the limits laid down not only served, despite damaged British interests. And, consequently, English policy really began to work actively against massive inculcation of Jews in Palestine, but it was too late: the river of Jewish immigration can not be contained.

"Today he received an unprecedented burst, it has achieved amazing results, but artificial state of Israel that he has created, hidden within itself the seeds of future turmoil. This is because the Arab peoples will always remain inconceivable to acquiesce, a wedge Jewish bisect the Arab world ", was the opinion of Eqrem do Vlora a century ago, where the situation expected wars wild ones today have moved a whole world.

"We are fed up with the problems ethnic Macedonians, Greeks, Armenians and have no interest to the arnojmë now an Arab-Jewish ethnic problem.Palestine was once Jewish, but since the time of Solomon's great little David have spent thousands of years. Rightly or wrongly, today it is 100 percent Arab and the Ottoman Empire there is no reason, either political if sentimental, to change this situation, "said Vizier Albanian who was unable to hold back the provision of land under concession or the influx of Jews who began to encamp about Israel, because the Sultan had already made great bargains./ShikoOnline

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